Sunday, January 08, 2006

GOP: Without DeLay without delay

Tom Delay is out. I'm actually surprised there have not been more puns on his name. It may be an indication of the fear he engendered in so many people. Anyway, he's gone and good riddance.

His letter to fellow GOP solons, giving up his idea of regaining power, reeked of hypocrisy. According to the story,

In a letter to colleagues on Saturday, DeLay said that he had always "acted in an ethical manner within the rules of our body and the laws of our land" and that he was "fully confident time will bear this out."

A more objective statement would have been that he has been advised by a well compensated lawyer that no action of his to date has been technically sufficient to result in a conviction, although that may change.

Ethical? His wife accepts $115,000 for a grade-school homework assignment about the preferred charities of congressman, from a "charity" that does no charitable work but takes money from Russian oil oligarchs who want (and get) some kind words from DeLay. No problem here, I guess.

All of this from a guy who lead the campaign to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about sex. Here's just a random thought. How many congressmen would be left if we eliminated every one of them who has lied to his wife about sex? I think the ranks would be badly depleted. God's ministry would probably also pass into new hands if we eliminated all the preachers who have been banging church secretaries.

I always like to think there's a rule (if not quite a moral) to be learned from such experiences. Maybe it's that whenever someone says he's more ethical than the ordinary guy, you should watch your back and keep a hand on your wallet. But that's really not a new rule.

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