Sunday, March 26, 2006

Consistency, a hobgoblin that does not bother small minds on the far Right

The peace activists who were just rescued in Iraq have been denounced on far right talk radio for not sufficiently thanking their rescuers. They were on record, before they were kidnapping, as stating that violence in Iraq was due to the Coalition troops and if captured, they didn't want to be rescued.

Afterwards, they stuck to their story. Why shouldn't they? They really believe the teachings of Christ in a fairly literal way. This is in contrast with the so-called Christian fundamentalists, who believe exactly what the Bible says except where it talks about "Thou shalt not kill," and the part about not trying to get rich. Shouldn't Christian Peacemakers be allowed to practice their faith?

Now it seems that another one wants to go back. The following comes from an online article based on BBC coverage:

Despite the kidnappings, another CPT member, Jan Benvie has told BBC News she intends to go to the country in July.

She said she did not accept her presence should mean an extra responsibility for the security forces.

Let her go, I say. And if she gets kidnapped, leave her alone. American soldiers are being asked to die in Iraq in defense of an American belief system. Pacifists should be allowed the same right.

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