Thursday, June 28, 2007

Gaza down the tubes

There's a book called "Collapse," or something like that, which explains why certain societies collapse. The author has a list of reasons, including wars and environmental problems. One of them is that at some point there are simply too many people to be supported by the resources available. I think Gaza is getting there.

It's an area that in 1948 supported about 100,000 people. It now has about 1.5 million and they are still breeding like rabbits. That's about 10 times what we have here on the Oregon Coast, with a tiny fraction of the land and no resources.

The world has no record of letting that many people die since World War II except in Africa, but nobody wants a lot of disaffected Palestinian refugees in their country and Hamas is likely to continue the Koranic theory of women-as-breeding-stock. Is it possible for an area to become human "black hole," which collapses upon itself and from which nothing escapes?

Fatah is corrupt and ineffective, but perhaps not unusually so by Arab standards. They may get control of the West Bank and Israel may actually decide to cut a deal just because they aren't Hamas. But Gaza? It's like Scientology with its own country. I have a really bad feeling about this.

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