Thursday, May 13, 2010

Palin Makes Inteligent Support Difficult

On a day when Sarah Palin said something rare that I could support, namely that Highland Park IL is being stupid in not sending its girls basketball team to play a game in Arizona due to that state's law on illegal immigrants, she follows up with nonsense.

Noting the school has allowed student trips to China, Palin questioned whether school officials knew “how they treat women in China.”

Women? China denies many freedoms to its citizens, but I hadn't heard anything about women in particular. The only thing I can think is that she is referring to the country's aggressive campaign to limit the size of families.

China has one and a third billion people and a very urgent need to cap that. Should we be pleased if they let matters run their course and went for two billion?

A reasonable comment would have been that China suppresses its ethnic minorities, which would be a good analogy with Arizona. Instead, she shows that she is less opposed to curtailing human rights than birth control. She still stops my list of dangerous politicians.

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