Saturday, November 12, 2005

Pat Robertson Warns Dover, Pennsylvania

The word has come from Pat Robertson that Dover had better look out. They've voted out the pro-creationism (masquerading as Intelligent Design) school board members and God is pissed. As Robertson put it, "God is tolerant and loving, but we can't keep sticking our finger in his eye forever."

In other words, God is tolerant and loving but not infinitely tolerant and loving. Dunno. That sounds to me like it's starting down a slippery theological slope.

On a more practical note, Robertson is ripping away the fig leaf that Intelligent Design was anything except an effort to introduce Christian theology into public schools. If it weren't, why would he be invoking the wrath of God? It was rather funny when one of the defeated pro-ID board members said that the issue had absolutely nothing to do with religion and that this was merely a misconception on the part of its opponents.

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