Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Miley Cyrus Crisis

I would make some superior comments about the stench of hypocrisy, but it doesn't even rise to that level. This is just froth. Miley Cyrus, aka Hannah Montana, has showed that at 15, she has the beginnings of a woman's body and this has shocked the world. A large number of people think she should apologize for the photos Annie Leibovitz took for Vanity Fair.

Miley and her family are retroactively upset. Disney is wildly upset. Parents are furious. Bill O'Reilly is incensed.

And from all of this ...

Vanity Fair will sell more magazines. Annie Leibovitz will get higher fees. Disney will not cancel the show and will continue to reap huge profits. Parents will say nothing to their daughters, or they'd need to explain why showing less skin than is evident on any day at the beach is cause for alarm. The daughters will remain fans because either (a) they don't understand, or (b) they do. An increased number of teenage boys will become fans. Bill O'Reilly will return his attention to Rev. Wright.

And if this turns out to be the wildest moment that a girl who has been earning millions of dollars in the entertainment industry indulges in before she turns 16, then Billy Ray deserves Father of the Year. Nobody needs to apologize to Annie, who has seen all this before.

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