Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sarah Palin is the .... Words fail me.

It seems that Sarah Palin's problems are all due to the liberal media. Reminds me of the line, that no girl ever got pregnant from reading a book. It seems to me that Bristol Palin didn't get pregnant from watching CNN. However, more relevantly, she may have got pregnant because in the Palin family nobody talks about how to avoid pregnancy and in schools in Alaska, if it happens, it happens against the opposition of Sarah Palin and her ilk.

I wasn't going to get involved. I was just going to write in Paris Hilton and let it go. It seemed like I could handle either candidate and with neither candidate saying anything I particularly liked with respect to war, this was going to be one that I could sit out.

Not anymore. Sarah Palin opposes everything I believe, which is that the world needs to be managed on the basis of evidence. She's George W. Bush without the deep intellect. There aren't a lot of people that I would not be happy to take over the White House after W. but given the decent statistical prospect that if we elect McCain, it will be her in less than four years, I find her frightening. What are we frightened of, the right wing asks querulously. You wouldn't understand, I reply. I'm sending a check to Obama.

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