Saturday, December 29, 2007

Nationalism would be a step up for Africa

The election results in Kenya are close and violence is breaking out between the supporters of the two candidates, who come from the Kikuyu and Luo tribes, respectively. Homes are being burned down simply because the owner belongs to the wrong tribe.

The idea of nationalism, particularly in an adjective like "nationalistic," conveys a failure to grasp the universal brotherhood of man and is not much in favor in intellectual circles these days. But it should be remembered that nationalism originated as a form of progress, through which men rose above the narrow focus of tribalism and provincialism. William Pfaff has written extensively on nationalism at the most powerful political force in the world today.

Which explains a lot about the problems of Africa today. Nationalism, or even racism, would be very helpful. Kenya has been independent of Britain for four decades now and it's discouraging how little progress has been made in this regard.

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